If you are an R first time user, please download and install R (and RStudio) in your computer.

Download and install R from CRAN https://cran.r-project.org/

Download and install RStudio from https://www.rstudio.com/

Install assignPOP to your R environment

Once you have R/RStudio installed, you can enter the following command in R console to install the package from CRAN.


Or, install via Github site (which requires the package devtools pre-installed).


Note: When you install the package via Github, you may need to install additional packages before the assignPOP can be successfully installed. Follow the hints that R provides and then re-run install_github("alexkychen/assignPOP").

Import assignPOP to R


####The assignPOP package includes the following functions.####

Function Return Description
read.Genepop() A list object including data matrix Read genetic data in GENEPOP format
read.Structure() A list object including data matrix Read genetic data in STRUCTURE format
reduce.allele() A list object including data matrix Reduce low variance loci
compile.data() A list object including data matrix Concatenate genetic and non-genetic data
assign.MC() Output results in text files Perform population assignment using Monte-Carlo cross-validation
assign.kfold() Output results in text files Perform population assignment using K-fold cross-validation
assign.X() Output results in text files Assign unknown individuals to source populations
accuracy.MC() A data frame and text file Calculate assignment accuracy from Monte-Carlo cross-validation results
accuracy.kfold() A data frame and text file Calculate assignment accuracy from K-fold cross-validation results
accuracy.plot() ggplot2 graph Make assignment accuracy box plots
membership.plot() ggplot2 graph Make membership probability stacked bar plots
assign.matrix() Contingency tables Print mean and standard deviation across assignment tests
check.loci() Output results in a text file Identify informative loci used in resampling cross-validation

Enter ? followed by a function name in R console (e.g.,?read.Genepop) to see the help page.