Monitor fish feeding activity through computer vision

Powered by Raspberry Pi


Fish feeding activity has a direct link to fish health, but it can be difficult to measure in large rearing systems, particularly in absence of fish keepers. Toward this end, I have developed a computerized device that can automatically feed fish and measure their feeding activity by counting the number of fish appearing in a feeding area. Using time-series analyses and machine-learning algorithms, the machine can further determine if fish feeding activities have deviated from normal patterns, and subsequently send alerts to fish keepers when necessary.

Fish feeding model: In a feeding event, the number of fish under the camera view (i.e., feeding zone) drastically increases right after fish food is released, and reaches to its peak, and then decreases after they consumed the fish food.

Hypothetical normal (blue) and abnormal (red and orange) feeding patterns. The change from blue to red indicates that fish feeding activity has become slow - they spend more time to reach the peak; from blue to orange, the number of feeding fish decreases - some fish did not enter the feeding zone to eat.

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Fish FeederBot full assembly

The assembled device is mounted on the edge of fish tanks. The camera sitting right above the feeder can capture images of "feeding zone".

Feeder in action

The feeder driven by the stepper motor is releasing fish food to the feeding zone. Filters and water pumps are temporarily turned off during the feeding event.

Counting fish

The number of fish is determined by a series of image processing, including (2) blurring, (3) Otsu's binarization, and (4) Canny edge detection.

Fish feeding activity plot

The number of fish showing within the feeding zone increased right after the feeder released fish food. Such activity pattern could reflect the fish health status.



Future Direction

Fish FeederBot is an ongoing project. While the concept of monitoring fish feeding activity has been successfully implemented, additional work is still required in order to achieve A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) check for fish health. To obtain more precise fish count, other computer vision algorithms, such as Haar-cascade, will be used to recognize individual fish and distinguish different fish species. Also, machine learning algorithms will be used to train the computer to identify abnormal feeding patterns. Other functionalities, such as temperature and remote controls, will be added to the system as well.


Kuan-Yu (Alex) Chen has a Ph.D. degree in Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, with a research focus on fish biology and genetics. He is also interested in aquarium and aquaculture automation and has fish culture experience over 20 years. Since 2013, he has begun using two popular open source platforms, Raspberry Pi and Arduino, to design gadgets for his aquariums. One of his research goals is to bridge the gap between A.I. and fish culture.

